Fred de Bueger, CEO of Konvivio, explains in the press article, L’Echo, April 15 2021 how digital general assemblies increase shareholders involvement and reinforce corporate governance.

Frederic de Bueger - CEO & co-fouder Gov&Go

The law of December 20, 2020 has modified the Belgian Company Code to allow the holding of remote general meetings, which many companies will take advantage of this year given the state of the pandemic.

Several platforms created by intermediaries propose to facilitate the task of the boards of directors by taking care of the entire administration of the general meetings – especially with regards to the application of legal obligations.

This is the case of two young Belgian companies, Digital-Meeting and Spreds.


The participation rate of general meetings increases by 20% when organized online. – Fred de Bueger

Corporate Governance management software lead to time savings (up to 30%) and a larger participation rate (up to 20%).

In particular, Digital-Meeting – dedicated platform for General Asssemblies, the first pillar of Gov&Go solution – developed legal-proof features : special voting rights calculation, proxy management, legal-proof agenda and minutes, secured login and recording, identification and sign-offs, on-line translations upon request, etc.