nline shareholder meetings, the rule this spring 2021. Article written by Dirk Selleslagh, De Tijd, March 19 2021.For this article, both Philippe Mulliez, partner Eubelius and Fred de Bueger, CEO Konvivio-Gov&Go have been interviewed.
Physical shareholder meetings will not yet be allowed in Belgium for this spring 2021. However, a new legislation allowing all companies to hold virtual meetings will come into force, from this summer onwards.
From July 1st 2021, it will be authorized to hold online, and not physical, shareholder meetings provided that voting takes place during the digital meeting.
However, it is also legally possible to give voting instructions before the meeting. If these instructions are adequately recorded in the voting process, they will be taken into consideration during the full vote within the digital shareholder meetings.Fred de Bueger
Gov&Go solution ensures not only hybrid shareholder meetings – combining physical and digital meeting – but also remote and written voting processes which are compliant with the legislation of 2021 and later onwards.